Animal Display Zone

Once you enter African tribe area, you may see about 70 .species of animals with a total number more than 1,000.

In addition to the alpaca with tiny size but very cute. itis the number one on the list of the effective caring creature. also, the mysterious tiger with blue eyes and picky nose all the animal stay in the area where is well designed and manage from herbivores area of daily operation .

You may also take the steam train to slowly walk around the are. Along the track face to the direction of the incoming wind, entering to the herbivores area where you will see the hippo, buffalo and white rhino roaming or eating,, the fierce beast are staring at you and it is an opportunity to get yourself to be very close to these wild animals.

African Tribes
Opening hours
(平日)09:30-16:00 (假日)09:00-16:30
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