The Wild West
South Pacific
Arabian Palace
Leofoo Water Park
African Tribe
animal exploration
Happy & Honey's Photo Time
Explore the Mystery of Forest
The Princess's Fight Back
Photo Shops
The Sudan Rhino Bus
極光與耶誕樹閃爍迷人光芒 營造出最夢幻的冬季樂園
耶誕美食與精彩表演同時享受 無時無刻沉醉在耶誕奇境中
Come to Leofoo Village to celebrate your day!
乘著笑傲飛鷹 衝向雲霄 怒玩一波!
Healing animals and fun rides will make Leofoo Village grow up with the children.
2024《童話耶誕》星夜極光城 2024 年 12 月 2 日 ~ 2025 年 1 月 1 日 北歐極光與溫馨燈飾交織,打造浪漫耶誕奇境 捕捉最美冬日時刻!...
Get great discounts and keep your wallet healthy at Leofoo Village! All the best deals are sorted for you. Enjoy your visit! ❤...
因配合台電年度電站檢修 六福村主題遊樂園將於 2025/1/6-1/7 休園2天 休園期間將同步進行園內設施及遊樂環境安檢 確保遊客的遊園品質和安全 造成不便敬請見諒...
全台唯一非洲生態動物探索 五天四夜與動物共學共遊!...
想要一日玩透透刺激、好玩設施, 你需要《快速通關券》 讓你免去排隊,直達歡樂天地, 快速體驗設施!...
Volcano Adventure is one of the only facility that you can enjoy two times of excitement at one time of your turn in the world....
The excellent dance and song-singing and western style of country music playing , the atmosphere is full of American Western atmosphere when you are having the meal which is a very interesting and joyful experience....